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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

KOPASSUS Indonesia Special Forces Command

KOPASUS Is the Best Special Forces 3 In The World
Valuation is not a form of sophisticated equipment but adjusted with the ability of individuals and this is the result: the first position in the occupied SAS (UK), and the second position occupied by the MOSSAD (Israel), occupied the third position KOPASUS (Indonesia).


Special Forces Command (Kopassus), formerly Sandi Yudha Forces Command (Kopasandha), trained to gather intelligence, special operations techniques, sabotage, and the landings by air and water. Founded on April 16, 1952, Kopassus reorganized and reduced in number in 1985, and in 1992 Kopassus forces num late 1990s Kopassus in return increase the number of members to 6,000 people. With headquarters in Cijantung, East Jakarta, Kopassus developed into five groups, with Group IV sbered only 2,500 people. Those, who could easily recognizable because of his red beret, divided into two operating groups and one group training.


 In the years since thepecifically handling intelligence operations along with the Joint Intelligence Unit (SGI), Kopassus. Around the year 2001, Kopassus streamline its organization, to 5,000 personnel by division as follows:

Special Forces Education Centre / Pusdikpassus (Batujajar, Bandung)

Kopassus is the power elite who always put a small amount and its ability to attack quickly. They have been engaging in various military operations in the Indonesian region where security is not guaranteed. Special Forces units involved in the operation to free hostages in the Garuda Airline plane Woyla in 1981. Some members of Kopassus has also climbed Mount Everest in 1997.


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